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My name is Muhammad Saidykhan, and I am one of twenty Daughters of Africa Youth Leaders. I was involved in the recent DAIGO project in January 2020 that was led by the University of West England (UWE) students. I was indeed overwhelmed after understanding the purpose of this gallant project. I understood the approach of multidisciplinary practice and gained a clear understanding of collaboration with all. The intent of facilitating learning meant I gained experience at an international level alongside the participants. The DAIGO projects brought communication, respect, and understanding between international and national communities, broadening education and skills on global realities.

All involved learned beautiful lessons and focused on self-development. We all participated in public speaking, shared information, and learned about the career of copywriting. We advanced our writing skills and learned how to create adverts for the public health issues that most concerned us. There were immense socialisation and sharing of ideas and information without any discrimination.

In conclusion, I learned that the project leaders from UWE were dedicated and have personal dignity, determined to take up any challenge. They were willing to bring real change for young people, the future leaders of any nation. DAIGO has brought us together to learn something new in our lives and we have learned more about how to give beautifully and share what we know and think with our community. I am so proud to see this kind of project in Africa and I want to use this learning to achieve my goals and dreams in life.